Every single thing I value in life has been destroyed. “And what of my extended family-birds, beasts and reptiles? They too have drowned. He stirred in the water and made to swim. “What are you doing, Richard Parker? Don’t you love life? Keep swimming then! TREEEEEE! TREEEEEE! TREEEEEE! Kick with your legs. His nose and mouth kept dipping underwater. He was hardly moving forward and his movements were weak. I was not wounded in any part of my body, but I had never experienced such intense pain, such a ripping of the nerves, such an ache of the heart. Mother, my tender guardian angel of wisdom, where are you? And you, Father, my loving worrywart? And you, Ravi, dazzling hero of my childhood? Vishnu preserve me, Allah protect me, Christ save me, I can’t bear it! TREEEEEE! TREEEEEE! TREEEEEE!” Tell me I’m still in my bunk on the Tsimtsum and I’m tossing and turning and soon I’ll wake up from this nightmare. “Richard Parker, can you believe what has happened to us? Tell me it’s a bad dream. Do you hear this whistle? TREEEEEE! TREEEEEE! TREEEEEE! You heard right. “Jesus, Mary, Muhammad and Vishnu, how good to see you, Richard Parker! Don’t give up, please. He was struggling to stay at the surface of the water.

Oh, that this rain would stop! Richard Parker? Richard Parker? Yes, it is you!” I cried, “Richard Parker, is that you? It’s so hard to see. From the lifeboat I saw something in the water. Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart. Things bubbled at the surface and then vanished. It made a sound like a monstrous metallic burp.